12:00 PM12:00


We’ll be kickin’ it Saturyay 4/1/2023 from 12-5pm with registration starting at 11am. BYO tables for slangin’ the goodies..Here’s the rundown:

Less then 10 parts: $15
10+ Parts: $20
1-3 Bikes: $20
3-5 bikes: $30
5+ bikes: $40

Glide Pizza will have beer and Zaza for purchase! if you need to get rid of some overflow parts or if you’ve been searching hi and low for that dream bike, come on by! Your rad rig buildup awaits!


Feel free to shoot over any questions about the swap to 'thespindeatl@gmail.com'

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to Apr 28

Spindle Campout: Athens Twilight

This year we team up with the radass folks at Southern Brewing Company to get our ride on to Athens for the 2019 Twilight Criterium. We’ll get up there in time to grab a few brews at the brewery, then catch the fast paced racing downtown. Get your camping gear ready as we’ll be setting up camp at the brewery.

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4:00 PM16:00

The Spins w/ Second Self

The Spindle, Wahoo Fitness and Second Self have teamed up to shatter the ice collecting on your legs through the winter months. Set up to spin, Wahoo will line up a set of Kickrs tuned to Zwift for riders to compete for beer and prizes. Like gold sprints, but with ALL the fixins!

Come through and revive those legs from cx season or dust them off for the upcoming track season. Whatever your reason, there’s beer to drink!

We’ll be riding from the shop ( 659 Auburn Ave ste 506, ATL, GA 30312 ) to Second Self Brewing ( 1317 Logan Cir NW, ATL GA 30318 )

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6:00 PM18:00

Brush Spokes _ Art Party


Art by the miles! A celebration of all the GPS art created by Atlanta's athlete-artists. The top 10% of November's Brush Spokes competition will be printed on canvas and hanging from Spindles walls for the evenings show. Join us as we combat pretension, drink local craft beer and spirits, and celebrate the miles of art drawn.
The event is open to all and we will be auctioning off the pieces to raise money for Bearing Bike Shop!

Artists can register at www.brushspokes.com

Facebook event Link-


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to Oct 14

Tracklocross Finals Weekend Info

After qualifying rounds of Tracklocross we now prepare for the Grand Finale in Atlanta. Open category race includes everything, run what you brung!! The new Clunker category will be just for that, Clunkers. Those qualified Tracklocross finalists must take those brakes and toss'em!

Race venue Address:

4693 Bouldercrest Rd.
Ellenwood, Georgia 30294

Registration: 10am

5K: 11am

Open: 12pm

Klunker/FrankenBike: 1pm

Women's Fixed: 2pm

Men's Fixed: 3pm

Bring and invite as many folx as ya want, extra hecklers and hand-upers are always welcome! We Have Beer from Southern Brewing and Water from Montane Sparkling Spring Water, but feel free to bring what you want, frisky hand-ups welcome & encouraged!!


Group Ride: Meet at The Spindle for 1130ish roll out

ALLEYCAT $10 Entry Fee

Registration: 1:00pm

Race 1:30pm


mens/womens open

mens/womens fixed

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12:00 PM12:00

Spindle Bike Swap + Handmade and Vintage

FINAL POSTER online version.jpg

It's that time of year where it starts to get cooler weather cruises through and people settin' up their gears for fall rides. What better way to kick it off than a good ol' bike swap to update your rig or hell, even find a new one!!

This go round we decided to spice up the festivities with a handmade & vintage bike show! So all you bicycle and bike gear makers can come down and show off your stuffs!

And to all the gear heads we'll be featuring a vintage bike show, so all you collectors who've been keepin' those old road/MTBs/klunkers/frankenbikes so fresh and so clean can come through and let us all bask in their glory!

More info coming..Please email us at thespindleatl@gmail.com if you would like to be featured in the handmade and vintage bike show!!

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7:00 PM19:00

A Jay Bird Film: El Silencio. Atlanta Premiere

El Silencio Poster v2.jpg

The Jay Ritchey film, El Silencio, is a story of the highs and lows four cyclists experiences as they traverse the mountainous Peru Divide in the Andes Mountains. This incredible bikepacking journey was filmed entirely by bike and will be showing for the first time in The Spindle Cafe. Seating is limited.

Pre show 'Bike Pack for a Cause' ride will leave @LooseNutsCycles lead by @Toecutters at 6pm for a short trip to @theSpindle. Strap those Spindle and bike packing bags to your bike and load them up with canned goods and other non-perishable items which will then be donated to the Collins Memorial food bank that #mashtoBrash riders greet on Wednesday mornings! If you need another incentive to do something awesome those cans will get you beers and raffle tickets. Riders must have ticket for film entry.

you don't have to be on the bike ride to bring perisable item for the food bank. All donations will be accepted.

2 canned goods = 1 beer ( 2 beer limit til we run out)

1 canned good = 1 raffle ticket

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12:00 PM12:00

Tracklocross Qualifiers

Tracklo qualifiers.jpg

Qualifying rounds of Tracklocross for the Grand Finale in Atlanta. Open category race includes everything, Run what you brung!! Those qualifying for Tracklocross finals may run a brake for qualifiers but must take those brakes and toss'em for Tracklocross finals on October 13th.

10:00 am Reg Starts. Course open for practice laps

12:00 pm Men's Open Category race "run whatchou brung"

12:45 pm Womens Open Category Race

1:30 pm Fixed qualifier race Mens & Womens

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12:30 PM12:30

Ride to Arches 2 yr Anniversary

Join The Spindleros as we take another trip to beautiful Hapeville to join the Arches Brewing crew and celebrate their 2 year anniversary! There will be grub, music, and a slew of cold brew! Tickets for the party are discounted for all that ride for $15 for 8 drink tickets!

Please note this a 26 mile round trip ride, have fun, but know that a 13 mile back to the Spindle awaits after you party hearty. Drink plenty of water and fill your bellies with food, not just delicious delicious brew



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