Posts tagged bike swap atlanta
Spindle 9 Year Anniversary & Bike Swap!!

Hey partay about you dust off them scootie booties and come celebrate 9 years of The Spindle on 11/12! We're super appreciative of the support throughout the the years and are stoked to have a little throwdown to celebrate!

We’ll blast things off with a good new fashion’d Bike Swap!

Registration starts @ 11 from then we run it from 12-5pm..BYO tables for slangin’ the goodies..Here’s the rundown:
Less then 10 parts: $10
10+ Parts: $20
1-3 Bikes: $20
3-5 bikes: $25
5+ bikes: $30

We’ll be partyin’ all day into the eve until us oldies dwindle it down to nighties which usually means around 9/10 but who knows! We could go all the way to 10:18 or beyond!
We’ll have some beers and other coldies covered for ya and we’ll sporadically snag some pizza’s from our buddies at Glide!